It’s time for Week of the Geek! Despite missing last week for MomoCon, this week’s newsletter is surprisingly short, as it’s been a quiet couple of weeks. Stick with me ’til the end for some great pics from the convention!
Our first real look at the upcoming animated Castlevania series came in the form of a brief trailer last week. The animation is smooth and the art style has some fans feeling nostalgic for the anime of past years. It, so far, appears beautiful and perhaps a bit overdramatic, so right on par with the rest of the Castlevania series. The series drops on Netflix on July 7th.
Fans of the Netflix series Sense8 are up in arms after it was announced this week that it would not have a third season. Season 2 ended on a cliffhanger (of course) and fans are somewhat baffled, as the series had great ratings and relatively high viewership. The series had been lauded as groundbreaking in terms of representation, so Netflix is taking some extra heat for cancelling the series on the first day of Pride month.
The first trailer for Murder on the Orient Express came out this week, showcasing it’s impressive cast, including Daisy Ridley, Josh Gad, Leslie Odom Jr., Dam Judi Dench, and Kenneth Brannaugh — and that’s not even half of the star-studded cast list. The frankly huge number of big-name stars combined with the unexpected music choices for the timeless novel’s adaptation has gained the movie some immediate popularity. The movie comes out November 10th of this year.
Wonder Woman came out this weekend to pretty much unanimous rave reviews. Box office numbers aren’t available yet, but there isn’t any doubt it’ll come out on top.
While Square Enix representatives at MomoCon told fans last weekend that they could expect a Kingdom Hearts 3 trailing to come out of upcoming E3, fans of the video game company received other, less exciting news this past week. Based on the company’s financial briefing, it would appear that neither Kingdom Hearts 3 or the long-awaited Final Fantasy 7 remake should be expected anytime soon; neither has a hard release date, and the company only plans on them happening “in the next three years”.
While J.R.R. Tolkien sadly died in 1973, his writings were so prolific that we still get a new book every few years. The most recent came out this past week, Beren and Luthien. While a version of this story was initially published in The Silmarillion, this is the original, unedited text. The book can be found for purchase here, but I also encourage you to purchase from local booksellers if possible!
Thanks for tuning in for this Week of the Geek! As an apology for missing last week, enjoy some of these pictures of the fabulous cosplayers and guests at MomoCon: